Third generation (1965 - 1970)
DEC launches the first minicomputer, the PDP-8
IBM patents the idea of building single-transistor cell RAM
The MAC project boosts the development of the MULTICS operating system
Maurice Wilkes proposes the use of cache memories
Rajko Tomovic of the University of Belgrade attempts to develop an artificial hand with sense of touch
IUNIVAC 1108 is launched. UNIVAC 1108 was the first multiprocessor computer
The ARPANET plan is released. ARPANET was a US military and institutional computer network
J. A. Robinson (Doctor Honoris Causa of the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, proposed by the Facultad de Informática) develops the foundations of logic programming
The ATI (Association of Computing Professionals) founding assembly is held in Madrid
Ole-Johan Dahl and Kristen Nygaard develop SIMULA 67 at the Norwegian Computing Center in Oslo. SIMULA 67 was the first object-oriented language
Seymour Papert creates LOGO a programming language for teaching children
Jack Kilby, Jerry Merryman and James Van Tassel invent the pocket calculator at Texas Instruments. The calculator was capable of performing the four basic operations
Donald Knuth refers to algorithms and data structures as separate entities from the programs in which they are used
The term software engineering was coined at a conference financed by the NATO Science Committee on the "software crisis"
Edsger Dijkstra discusses the disadvantages of using of the goto statement and advantages of structured programming
Burroughs B2500 and B3500 are the first machines to incorporate integrated circuits
The standard 6-digit (YYMMDD) date format is adopted, a decision that originated the year 2000 crisis
Robert Noyce, Andy Grove and Gordon Moore found Intel
Seymour Cray designs the CDC 7600 supercomputer, which reached speeds of 40 megaflops and incorporated pipeline structures
IBM 360/85 is released. IBM 360/85 was the first computer with cache memory
IBM announces that it is to start to sell hardware and software components separately.
The Instituto de Informática de Madrid (Informatics Institute of Madrid) is established. The Instituto de Informática de Madrid the forerunner of the UPM’s Facultad de Informática
The first four ARPANET nodes are set up at UCLA, the Stanford Research Institute (SRI), UC Santa Barbara and the University of Utah
The RS-232-C standard is introduced to facilitate data exchange between computers and peripherals
HP launches the first timesharing minicomputer that supports up to 16 users
IBM markets System / 3, the first 16-bit minicomputer
Shakey develops the first robot using artificial intelligence for navigation at SRI
Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie of Bell Labs compile the first version of UNIX
EE. F. Codd describes the relational model
IBM develops and introduces the 8-inch floppy disk, the precursor of modern disks
Niklaus Wirth develops Pascal, which led to Modula-2, released in 1972
IBM announces the new IBM 370 computer series
The PDP-11 minicomputer is released. Versions of this minicomputer were to be sold into the 1990s