Technological Evolution
Integrated Circuits
( 1958 ) Microprocessors y Microcomputers
J. Kilby y R. Noyce developed the first integrated circuit in 1958. But it was not until 1965 that the first computers incorporating this technological innovation were released.
The logic gates, registers and other digital subsystems and assemblies of these systems were built into a single component.
The microprocessor concept actually refers to the design of a computer’s control unit, arithmetic logic unit and registers as a single component.
Intel 4004, built in 1972, was the first component of this kind. The increased level of integration then led to the manufacture of devices incorporating all or part of the main memory and peripheral control input/output facilities, as well as the CPU.
These devices are called microcomputers.
El concepto de microprocesador se refiere al diseño, como un único componente integrado, de la unidad de control, unidad aritmético-lógica y banco de registros de un computador.
El primer componente de estas características fue el Intel 4004, fabricado en 1972. El aumento del nivel de integración ha permitido también fabricar dispositivos que incluyen, además de la CPU, toda o parte de la memoria principal, así como la entrada/salida para control de los periféricos.
Estos dispositivos reciben el nombre de microcomputadores.